Roberto Mendoza
3 min readFeb 23, 2021


The Revolution Will be Indigenized

I don’t think that European culture is the “enemy”. It is capitalist values, which has colonised the thinking of all people, in the U.S., not just Europeans. At one point in their history they had indigenous values. This was the period before the invasion of the Romans and the Holy Roman Empire. Their earth centred values were savagely attacked during the Inquisitions and Witch Burnings, because women were the healers who still carried the values of their old indigenous ways. European Americans need to answer Martin Luther Kings call for a “radical revolution of values”. And as a black woman in LA pointed out to me, all people in the US need to become ‘Indigenized’, in the sense that they need to reconnect to the values that they shared with all tribal, indigenous people the world over, before they were colonized with the militarist values of the Roman Empire and the materialist and racist values of the Holy Roman Empire and ensuing capitalist system with it’s destructive values. This new meme, #TheRevolutionWillBeIndigenized, coming out of Standing Rock, needs to connect with MLK’s call for a #ARadicalRevolutionOfValues. All people and ethnicities in the U.S., not just Native American’s, need to answer this call. This new revolution, will then be rooted deeply in the values of Native people, and the indigenous values of all people, around the world, as now we live in a global capitalist system that is in its death throes. But it is still extremely dangerous and violent, so we have to embrace intersectionalism and the ideas of the Multitude, as put out by Hardt and Negri, if we are going to make…



Roberto Mendoza

Native American/Chicano artist, screenwriter, filmmaker, writer, revolutionary. Living in Los Angeles. Co- founded Cooperation Tulsa. https://www.facebook.